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Ignatian Spiritual Exercises

This thirty-week guided retreat supports holistic spiritual transformation through creative prayer practices that enliven your mind, body, heart, soul, and spirit. It is an opportunity to grow in unity with Love and to renew your sense of meaning, purpose, and hope.

Ignatian Spiritual Exercises

four-week orientation + thirty-week guided retreat

  • Experience a profoundly transformative Christian rite of passage, with the support of a trained spiritual director certified to offer the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.


  • Deepen your intimacy with the divine.


  • Discover and pursue your heart's deepest desire.


  • Release what no longer serves.


  • Grow in the Way of Love.

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My Approach

  • Personalized: Each week, I will offer you “spiritual exercises,” or daily prayer activities tailored for your life situation, interests, and growth opportunities, which you can explore at your own pace.


  • Imaginative: Many of these prayer activities will involve your imaginative entry into scenes from Jesus' life, which I will facilitate through guided meditations.


  • Creative: I will also provide guidance for sacred experiences with nature (e.g., walking meditation) and the expressive arts (e.g., SoulCollage®).


  • Transformative: These prayer activities will enliven your mind, body, heart, soul, and spirit, supporting your holistic spiritual development.


  • Unitive: In this way, the spiritual exercises will invite you to become more receptive and responsive to the loving presence of the divine in "all things."


  • Reflective: During this extended retreat, you will meet weekly with me on Zoom to process your experiences and to integrate the gifts of your journey.


  • Experiential: Your lived experiences of spiritual growth are central in this retreat.



Thank you for applying. You will receive an email soon.

This is an image of expanding ripples on clear water with a sandy backdrop.

"You are loved.

You are not alone.

You are known, needed.

You are part of a great leap of loving.

Go shining."

—Anne Hillman, Awakening the Energies of Love, pp. 344-345

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