Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction is a conscious pause in the flow of life to reflect on the sacred depths of your experiences, with the support of a compassionate and discerning listener. It is an opportunity to explore your spirituality and to honor your inner wisdom.
Ten Experiences That May Draw You to Spiritual Direction
You want time and space to explore your life experiences with someone who will deeply listen to you.
You are interested in developing a spiritual practice or a rhythm of life that helps you to feel more centered, supported, and connected.
You feel restless or dissatisfied with your habitual ways of being, and you long for a renewed sense of meaning, purpose, and hope.
You are experiencing a “spiritual awakening,” or a profound opening to the hidden depths of existence.
You wish to reconnect with your spirituality or to develop an authentic vision of faith for this season of your life.
You seek to expand your awareness of the loving presence of the divine in all situations and to integrate your spirituality with other aspects of your life.
You sense that you are being spiritually "called" on a transformative journey, and you desire support for recognizing, receiving, and responding to your inner guidance.
You are experiencing an important life transition or a significant change in identity, and you feel drawn to explore the spiritual dimension of this process.
You welcome spiritual care as you grow through challenges, including loss, grief, and healing.
You need to make a decision regarding an opportunity or a dilemma, and you would like to learn more about contemplative resources for discernment.
Spiritual Direction
one-hour individual appointment
Reflect on your life's journey, with the support of a certified spiritual director.
Become more receptive to your inner wisdom.
Deepen your spirituality.
Renew your sense of meaning, purpose, and hope.
Develop ways of living that support your own and others' flourishing.
Soul Circle
two-hour small-group gathering
Enjoy spiritual community with a group of fellow seekers chosen by you.
Engage in regular reflection on the sacred depths of your life experiences.
Enliven your spiritual practices.
Enhance your capacities for receptive presence, nonjudgmental witnessing, empathic resonance, and inspired discernment.
Experience guided meditations.
Possible Questions to Explore in Spiritual Direction
When I reflect on my experiences, what awakens my curiosity? What patterns or themes do I notice?
How am I changing? What are my growing edges?
What are life's invitations now? What do I desire?
What are my gifts? How might I develop and share them?
How might I grow in virtues like kindness, generosity, and courage?
How might I meet opportunities and challenges with presence, compassion, and discernment?
What is my longing? What is my calling? How might they converge?
How do I experience the divine? How might I welcome such intimacy?
What spiritual practices are life-giving for me now? How might I engage in them wholeheartedly?
What helps me to center in prayer? How might I cultivate loving awareness?
When do I experience meaningful connections with others? How might I nurture community?
In this season of my life, what do I feel drawn to release and to embrace? What are my next steps?
How might I need to heal? What people, places, and practices might support me?
What have I learned about love? How might I tend my relationships?
How might I draw on spiritual resources to address violence, injustice, and suffering?
How might I cherish my body, my birthright ally for spiritual transformation?
How might I enhance my vitality and openness to life?
How might I expand my capacities for wonder, play, creativity, and joy?
How might I commune with sacred mystery in nature? How might I honor the Earth?
How might I welcome experiences of awe? How might I slow down, pause, and savor silence and stillness?
How might I experience and express gratitude for all the gifts of life?
How often would we meet for spiritual direction?
Typically, spiritual-direction meetings are monthly. However, other arrangements can be made in response to important events.
How longstanding is a spiritual-direction relationship?
Many spiritual-direction relationships develop over years and tend to be assessed every six months. In your reflection, you would discern whether spiritual direction is an authentic support for your wholeness and flourishing. You might also explore and renew your commitment to inner work and spiritual transformation. Of course, you are welcome at any time to propose changes to the ways in which spiritual-direction sessions unfold.
Is spiritual direction confidential?
Yes. However, in keeping with mandatory reporting laws, there are required exceptions to confidentiality. For more information on the ethical commitments of spiritual directors, please read Spiritual Directors International's Guidelines for Ethical Conduct.
Must I identify with a particular religion to participate in spiritual direction?
No. All seekers are welcome in spiritual direction, including those who do not identify as "religious." Moreover, questions, doubts, and struggles are common experiences in psychospiritual development. My expertise is in contemplative Christian spirituality.
"And the world cannot be discovered by a journey of miles, no matter how long, but only by a spiritual journey, a journey of one inch, very arduous and humbling and joyful, by which we arrive at the ground at our feet, and learn to be at home."
—Wendell Berry, The Unforeseen Wilderness, p. 43